Internship for industry app - Improving the quality of work place training in enterprises in the technical industry branch in Europe. (2020-2022)

Internship for industry app

Association of Swedish Engineering Industries has highlighted the need to regenerate the workforce within the industrial branch: in a couple of years many workers retire and there will be a great demand for young workers. VET schools must therefore adapt student training to meet the needs of industry. Well-prepared apprentices for working life and a good quality of apprenticeships: these are the needs that the European project Internship for Industry app (i4i) meets.

Funded by the Erasmus + program, the i4i project aims to better organize the mobility of apprenticeships abroad, improving the quality of on-the-job training in the technical / industrial sector among VET schools in Europe. At the same time, the aim is to improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and skills in the European industrial sector, as well as to connect the apprenticeship process between VET schools and businesses in Europe.

During the 24 months of its duration, the i4i project will improve the whole job placement process, methods and procedures for supervising apprenticeships. To do this, information material will be accessible from a mobile app and it will be produced a multilingual e-learning platform with innovative e-learning courses, guides and manuals for the management of apprenticeships. This will promote cooperation between VET schools and industry, in line with the indications of the ET 2020 framework and the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships.

The project leader is Göteborgs Tekniska College (S); while the project partners are the professional training centers APRO Formazione (IT), Atheneum Geraardsbergen Belgium (B) and Goierri eskola (ES) in the Basque country of Spain, and the Volvo Car company. The latter is characterized by a long experience in training apprentices, both in the local area and in international mobility.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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