Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing (2020 – 2023)


Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing (DTAM) is a European project, part of the Sector Skills Alliance 2020, which aims to create a professional training program to provide technicians from all over Europe with the necessary skills to implement and manage the digital technologies within production lines, and to facilitate the migration to industry 4.0.

The leader of the DTAM sectoral alliance is the Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri, in the city of Derio, Bilbao. They are partners of the project, together with Apro Formazione, SARENET, GAIA - Electronics and Applied Technology Association, BasqueGame, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AFM), Da Vinci College, IDEC, ATLANTIS Engineering SA, University of Patras (UPATRAS) and Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI). In carrying out the needs of the project, Apro Formazione will collaborate with associated partners in its area: Confindustria Cuneo, Università del Pimeonte Orientale, Réseau Entreprendre and Randstad.

The DTAM project responds to the growing need for updating and upgrading the skills of technicians and students from the European Union, providing them with better employment opportunities in a rapidly evolving and skill-intensive labor market. In addition, it will address some critical issues related to the world of digitization that have become even more evident due to the developments generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new professional curriculum in digital transformation will be created in 36 months through the following key activities:

  1. DTAM teaching methodology and training program.
  2. Preparation of the DTAM training course. Available in six national languages ​​(English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Greek and Bulgarian) and on training topics such as digital skills, Cyber-security, soft skills, Cloud technologies, artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data.
  3. Creation of a DTAM IoT Hub, which is a sustainable cooperation center for various stakeholders.
  4. Pilot test.

Apro Tech is the technical-industrial department of Apro Formazione that will be most involved by the scope of this transnational project and which in recent years has been committed to the internationalization of its educational practices. Joining the DTAM sectoral alliance is a leap forward that will place Apro Tech in a circuit of European excellence in cutting-edge VET training.

Visit the project website:

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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