222 hits

FUTURE IT– 3 - 6 months -…

The "FUTURE IT" project is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides training experiences…

184 hits


The FUTURE IT project is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides training experiences…

172 hits


The REOPEN and FUTURE IT projects are co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides…

172 hits

REOPEN - 3-6 Months - 2023

The "REOPEN" project is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides training experiences abroad.…

157 hits

REOPEN - 1 Month- II Call 22/23

The REOPEN project is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides training experiences abroad.…

173 hits

MOVE ON - 1 Month - 22/23

The MOVE ON project is co-funded by the European Erasmus+ programme and provides training experiences…
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