IMPROVET (IMProve and PROmote VET) in Armenia

  • Duration period: 2023 - 2026
  • Project code: 101128630

Armenia is going through one of the most turbulent periods of its contemporary history. Major socioeconomic shock and political crisis have impacted all the layers of the society, shattering the social contract, causing big divides and deepening vulnerabilities. In addition, high rate of unemployment -particularly among young people and women-, large informal sector, emigration, especially from rural and remote areas, major disparities between regions and population groups, and demographic decline, leave a deep impact on the human capital of the country. Keeping this in perspective, the Armenian Government is focused on development of human potential, with a highlight on promotion of education, ensuring education quality, internationalisation of education, development of the professional potential required for structural changes in the economy, through modernisation of the education.

The current project is designed in a period of high momentum for VET reform, when Armenia is fully at work on the new VET Strategy, contributing to improvement of VET provision, better reach of company needs, including the digital and the green transitions and fostering social inclusion

The main objectives of IMPROVET are:

  • To strengthen cooperation between VET centres and companies for mutual fertilization,
  • To improve the integration of Armenian learners into the world of work, thanks to a better matching between VET curricula and companies’ needs,
  • To support the development of the Health sector in Armenia, especially in dental prosthesis and health care, by improving the qualifications and integrating the digital and the green transitions,
  • To allow all Armenian learners, even those from remote and rural areas, to access qualitative initial and continuous VET, in a lifelong learning process,
  • To improve professional guidance for Armenian learners, families and for the general public.

The main expected activities are:

  • Creation of new and innovative training modules in dental prosthesis and health care, for both initial and continuous VET,
  • Equipment of a pedagogical truck to reach learners from remote areas,
  • Implementation of new training materials and pedagogical approaches, integrating digital tools,
  • Capacity building of the teachers and the management staff,
  • Counselling and support to implement a National digital platform for professional guidance.

The consortium is led by SEPR and partnered by French-Armenian Vocational Education Center (CEPFA), Gyumri State Medical College (GSMC), HOVAKIMYAN LAB and APRO Formazione.

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