APRO’s course catalogue includes online and on-side courses, handbooks, platforms and websites selected available for free and addressed to all interested teachers, staff members, students and stakeholders in the EDU-VET systems.

The materials were selected and evaluated from those already available online, during the various Erasmus+ projects that APRO Formazione coordinated or participated in.

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© 2010 APRO Formazione S.c. a r.l. 
Sede legale: strada Castelgherlone, 2/A - 12051 Alba (Cuneo) - P.E.C.: alba.apro@pec.it
Sede amministrativa: Corso Barolo, 8 -12051 Alba (CN)
Tel. 0173.28.49.22 – Fax. 0173.28.18.70 - e-mail informa@aproformazione.it
Cod. Fiscale e Reg. Imprese CN 02605270046 - R.E.A. Cuneo 223065 - Partita IVA 02605270046 
Cap. Soc. € 417.420,42 - La società non è in stato di liquidazione - La società non è a socio unico

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