In order to continue the process of European integration and give the EU a chance for development in the future, it is crucial to work on the involvement of young people and their connection to the EU.
The Europeans of Tomorrow (EoT) project aims to bring the EU together with the theme of participation and active citizenship into Apro Formazione's educational activities through a dedicated 40-hour training module.
The EoT module will be delivered progressively to different classes: two second-grade classes in the first year of the project, three second-grade classes in the second year, every second-grade class of Apro Formazione Alba in the third year (7 classes), and then it will be implemented in all second-grade classes of Apro Formazione, both in Alba and Canelli (9 classes). Prior to the delivery of the module, the teachers involved will participate in courses to deepen their teaching skills on EU topics.
The EoT training module will be composed of 14 teaching activities embedded in 7 curricular subjects (Italian, History, English, Economics, Citizenship Education, Science, and Orientation) and extracurricular activities, carried out by 4 external individuals who have relevant pedagogical skills in teaching EU themes and participation. The activities are as follows:
- Training of trainers on EU issues
- Teaching unit on interculture (Italian and English classes)
- Educational unit on the history of the EU (history lesson)
- Didactic unit on EU institutions (citizenship education lesson)
- Didactic unit on the single currency and the single market (economics lesson)
- Educational unit on the green transition of the EU (science lesson)
- Workshop on EU opportunities for young people (orientation lesson)
- Workshop on school participation (lessons in Italian and citizenship education)
- Workshop on democratic participation in collaboration with the Volunteer Service Center (CSV) and the Municipal Council of Volunteers (extracurricular)
- Workshop on European institutions in collaboration with Europe Direct Cuneo (extracurricular)
- Virtual cooperation "Foreign Friends" with KPEDU, a Finnish vocational training school (extracurricular)
- Peer-to-peer activities on Erasmus+ mobility (extracurricular)
- Final interdisciplinary assessment (Italian class)
- European event (extracurricular)
The project is co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. The author is responsible for this communication and the European Commission is not responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained herein.