Apro International is Apro Formazione department focused on internationalization strategy,

to boosting people’s skills and facilitate the entry into the increasingly dynamic and global labour market, and to contribute to the construction of the European VET system, to envisage common training programmes and to integrate mobility in the initial vocational training pathways at a systematic level for all students.

Since 2009 Apro has been collaborating with international partners on mobility projects, training activities, partnerships of cooperation and innovation and capacity building programmes.

We actively work to achieve the objectives of the European Education Area, designing and managing international projects that involve students, adults, trainers, professionals, companies and organizations of our territory.

Collaborating countries
International Partners
Active projects
14 June, 2023


Apro Formazione hosted the International Meeting on Tourism Training in Alba Apro Formazione with its…
17 March, 2023


Apro Formazione coordinated the international annual meeting on tourism education Watch the video From 6th…
16 November, 2022

Sharing skills: Apro Formazione's mentoring for Balkan training schools

V2V (VET to VET) is the mentoring and competence exchange project between European training centres…
06 October, 2022

The first year of activity of the EfVET’s Tourism Thematic Team

On January 19, 2021, EfVET saw the kick-off meeting of the TTT: a new Thematic…
03 October, 2022

All the results of the SdE project are online

The SdE project came to an end on 31/08/2022. After 3 years of working together,…
29 September, 2022

The course catalogue on teachers' digital skills is online

The European Module it project, led by Apro Formazione, includes among its goals the improvement…
20 May, 2022

28 giovani in partenza per l'EUROPA!

A settembre, 28 giovani partiranno con Apro International per svolgere un tirocinio professionalizzante di tre-sei…
Logo Apro

© 2010 APRO Formazione S.c. a r.l. 
Sede legale: strada Castelgherlone, 2/A - 12051 Alba (Cuneo) - P.E.C.:
Sede amministrativa: Corso Barolo, 8 -12051 Alba (CN)
Tel. 0173.28.49.22 – Fax. 0173.28.18.70 - e-mail
Cod. Fiscale e Reg. Imprese CN 02605270046 - R.E.A. Cuneo 223065 - Partita IVA 02605270046 
Cap. Soc. € 417.420,42 - La società non è in stato di liquidazione - La società non è a socio unico

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