Apro Formazione coordinated the international annual meeting on tourism education

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From 6th to 8th March 2023, Apro Formazione organized the Tourism GLocal conference, in Alba.

The annual event of the EfVET Tourism Thematic Team (TTT), involved 27 international organizations, coming from 14 different countries, with the presence of 12 managers, 8 teachers, 5 students and 35 international coordinators.

Established in 2021 and coordinated by Apro Formazione (Italy), Landstede Groep (Netherlands) and Sedu (Finland), the thematic group focuses on innovation, development and sharing of good practices for VET education in the tourism sector.

Furthermore, 7 member organizations are as well involved in the TEF Erasmus+ project, that specifically aims at reducing skills gap between schools and tourism industry.

Thematic workshops and targeted roundtables were organized at the Ceretto cellars meeting room and at the Beppe Fenoglio conference room, to discuss the key issues of professionals’ training and to analyze the skills needed to respond quickly to market trends and business needs.

Fundamental to achieving those objectives is the strengthening of the network of entities and institutes that are part of the thematic group, but also the direct and active dialogue with companies.

Making use of the outcomes and goals achieved during the annual conference, the upcoming activities will be developed on encouraging and implementing student exchanges, improving teacher training and developing inclusiveness in tourism education.

The TTT has already planned further masterclasses dedicated to educators on teaching methodologies and international workshops for managers, international coordinators and teachers.

During the 3 days of work of the Tourism Thematic Team, the delegates had as well the opportunity visit Alba and the iconic landscape of Langhe UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The next annual TTT conference, scheduled for February 2024, will take place in Finland, in Seinäjoki.

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