The project will help prepare students (future workers) for the emerging technological realities in the field of automated systems and robotics for the Industry 5.0 scenario, where collaboration between humans and robots is even greater. Industry is currently witnessing a massive digitisation of mechanical processes and the creation of smart factories.

The automation of internal logistics is a recurring problem for companies large and small. By automating the transportation of materials, organisations can optimise productivity and schedule deliveries more effectively to reduce production bottlenecks and human error. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) can be used to improve the speed and accuracy of routine operations, particularly in warehouses and production areas; work side-by-side with people for greater efficiency; and reduce the risk of employee injuries.

ROMOTICS aims to address this workforce need by providing a ready-to-use training module to make European robotics students ready to meet the needs of the warehousing, manufacturing and logistics industries to implement, optimise and develop these automated solutions. More qualified students from all partner countries will not only improve the industrial fabric and prosperity of each country, but also improve the employability of technical graduates in these countries, which still suffer from excessively high youth unemployment rates.

The teaching material will be tested by pilot groups in Spain, France and Italy in 2023-2024, refined and then made available free of charge on the project website .

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