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European Partnership in Pneumatics Project 2015 - 2017

Four partner VET schools from Italy, Spain, Denmark and Sweden produced an online CBT based course in pneumatics for upper secondary students. The project produced a standardized course that can be used all over Europe. Pneumatics is a suitable field of knowledge for this kind of project since it isn't tied to a certain brand, factory or country. On line studying is the future of education and it will make life long learning possible and accessible to many more target groups than before. 

The project made it possible to develop, test and finalize the contents of the course on pneumatics, the tools for assessing the skills acquired by young people and the teaching materials used by the trainers.

The project results are available in the Erasmus+ Project Results website


The project is co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. The author is responsible for this communication and the European Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.


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