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IMPACT – IMmersione nel PAtrimonio Culinario Transfrontaliero 2017-2020

The project IMPACT, funded by Interreg V-A France-Italy (ALCOTRA) and promoted by Apro Formazione of Alba and the Faculté des Métiers & Ecole Hôtelière of Cannes, develops a binational educational path in the hospitality & tourism sector, using innovative and digital training methods, the mobility of students and teachers, a close collaboration with companies in the territories of Alba and Cannes.

Through an e-learning platform, streaming lessons, internships abroad, digital learning materials and through the strengthening of the partnerships with local companies, students, teachers and companies itselves have the opportunity to improve their skills in an international and 2.0 perspective and to introduce innovative elements in favor of and in collaboration with the territory. The project promotes the integration of training and production systems, the digitization and internationalization of education.

Translated into numbers IMPACT is: 80 students, 20 teachers, 50 companies and local actors involved, 200 hours of streaming lessons, 60 hours of online language courses, 60 hours of local storytelling, 40 hours of self-entrepreneurship and social media marketing webinars, 60 hours of storytelling about the territory, 50 videos about the territories of Alba and Cannes, 160 hours of internships abroad, 20 hours of cultural exchanges, 120 hours of events, competitions and educational dinners, 70% of students employed at the end of the project.

Keep tuned with the progresses of this project


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